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Is The Observance Of Lent Biblical....???

Alright saints.... Here is a little Bible Study on the subject of "Lent" (a Western Christian tradition) as it pertains to some Christian movements (religions such as Protestants, Protestants Reformation & Catholics etc).

Lent is the period of the liturgical year leading up to Easter. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer through prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self-denial for the annual commemoration during Holy Week of the Death & Resurrection of Jesus (the crucifixion). Conventionally, it is described as being forty days long, (though different denominations calculate the forty days differently).

This is what they base the forty days on: According to the Bible, Jesus spent in the desert 40 days before the beginning of his public ministry{Luke 4:2 KJV}, where he endured temptation by Satan. This practice was virtually universal in Christendom until the "Protestant Reformation". Some Protestant Churches do not observe Lent, but many, such as Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Anglicans, and Episcopalians, do, however Lent is not observed in the Pentecostal movement or Non-Denominational churches.


A). Liturgical Color(s): Violet (Purple)

B). Type of Holiday: Fast

C). Duration: Liturgically Lent lasts 44 Days, begins on Ash Wednesday.

D). Traditional Lenten fast is observed for 40 days, starting on Ash Wednesday, going through Holy Week, excluding Sundays.

E). Celebrates/Symbolizes: Jesus' wilderness fast; Preparation for Easter

F). Scripture References used by the Catholic church to support observance of Lent: {Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13 KJV

NOW LET ME TELL YOU WHY Christendom as whole (globally) DOES NOT celebrate Lent!

Especially the Pentecostal Movement; we DO NOT celebrate Lent:

Many churches, even though they celebrate Christmas and Easter (or “Resurrection Sunday” as it is called in the USA in most Pentecostal & non-denominational churches), ignore Lent entirely.

Why? It is the position of the HOLY GHOST saints (or if you will Spirit Filled saints) that Lent places too much emphasis on sin, guilt, and wrongdoing! The Pentecostal movement (tongue talkin Holy Ghost filled saints) prefer to emphasize the Power and Glory of the Resurrection of Christ in that it has supreme power in healing, deliverance, restoration and forgiveness of and redemption over all sin!

Churches that have been influenced by the Radical Reformation, including Baptists, Pentecostals, and Non-Denominational churches, have never observed Lent, primarily because of it's "traditional" ties to the Catholic Church (and Catholic religion). We DO NOT WEAR CROSSES ON OUR FOREHEADS (as some Catholics, Lutheran, Presbyterians, Anglicans, and Episcopalians do sometime during Lent)!!!


The idea of Lent, emulating our Lord's 40 days of fasting in the wilderness, while it is a wonderful idea and is certainly a Bible truth WITH cute vertue, this tradition DOES NOT have scripture based commandment created by or given by GOD! This is a man-made tradition NOT commended by the Bible. In Fact, it is a spirited "Works" driven doctrine! Remember, we can not earn our Salvation by DOING good things or good works! The scripture is clear about it: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:" (Eph 2:8)!!!

Further, the position of the Pentecostal Movement during the commemoration of Christmas and Easter (during Holy Week of the Death & Resurrection of Jesus) (the Passion of Christ -the crucifixion) requires that we examine material and spiritual excesses in our lives (all year round)!!! This type of Christian living in the Pentecostal Movement is referred to as “Living Holy“ {Leviticus 11:44-45 KVJ}; and also "Walking In The Spirit" (see also Gal 5:16, 25 KJV).

While the Pentecostal Movement considers itself contrary to our culture's idea that everything (including one's faith) must be happy, easy, and have mass popular appeal; such ideas are secular modern and postmodern ideals and NEW AGE philosophy, and are not based on the Bible, Jesus, teachings of the Apostles or Christian history!

The reality is that Jesus' life was full of love, worship of God, prayer, fasting, denial of riches, power and fame Of The World! These things truly hinder sincere submission to God! We must spiritually aim for simplicity, and sacrifice in our lives toward God our Father to please HIM and bring HIM glory!

These are the true ideals that as Christians we must truly strive for during our entire lives, not just during Lent observance that only comes ONCE a Year! The Lent dynamic is only a religious experience. We have not been called to religion or even worse - religious experiences; but to a wonderful Relationship with Christ our risen Lord, through the power of the Holy Ghost, our entire lives, amen.


AND Finally, in the Pentecostal Movement, it is our position that we must remember that the disciplines of Fasting, self-denial, Christian growth, faith, repentance, personal worship of God, conversion, and spiritual simplicity are to be our focuse ALL OF our days while we live during our entire Christian lives….

Scriptures for this position:

Luke 1:74-75

Romans 6:19

Ephesians 4:24

I Thessalonians 4:17

Hebrews 12:14

Holy Living ultimately transforms the entire Christian: body, soul, and spirit so that we become more like Christ and to please HIM in our living all year round - - every single day! This is the true godly aim... Hallelujah!

by Pastor Charles Turner III

NHIM Worship Center

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