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Revelation, Rhema, Visions & Dreams.... But this one totally scared me...

God bless you for taking the time to read this note.... And God bless you for your interest in Revelational insight.... These are dark times... Anyone who has a love for Christ (a servant's heart) can feel something is about to happen in this country and around the world...

A few weeks ago I had six (6) visits from my Savior Jesus in the form dreams & visions which started at 3am ending I think at about 5am..... Everytime I would fall to sleep I would get a visit, every time my emotions would calm down, I'd get a visit.... The Lord would not let me sleep or calm, HE kept me in a state of great burdon for the love ones of the Lord and the world as we now know it....

There is much more to the vision and dreams I had, but they are so ugly and horrible, I couldn't bring myself to write them.... One is, there is going to be a significant falling away of more saints (do to the Emotional preaching of today PMA messages - which is not the real Gospel)... These truly are the last days... See I Tim 4:1 and see also II Tim 3:1-5...

Another thing, that I saw (and this is highly controversial, but I spoke it before the church I Pastor - RWCC), God showed me that the Anti-Christ (A/C) is alive and well right now....! The Lord told me the A/C was born in the latter 1960's and is very smart, highly educated with great intellect... He is associated with some form of biochemistry (this made sense to me when I woke up because the A/C will introduce the chip - 666 otherwise known as the mark of the beast) to the European common market countries in order to be able to be placed on the forehead or hand... The Lord told me he will become massively wealthy to the degree his personal wealth will control countries. This man is a middle eastern JEW!!! He will not honor the God of his forefathers (Abraham, Issaac and Jacob).....!!! See Daniel 11:37-39

I have not been the same since this experience of the dreams and visions, even right now I feel so out of place... Dear saints, I just know, there is something about to happen that will be very significant... 911 was only the beginning of the nation of AMERICA's woes, for the first time I'm feeling a great sense of insecurity.... America has sinned greatly before the LORD and judgement is forth coming and pending. We are not anywhere near the strength we used to be in this country....

I saw great judgement fall upon New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.... When this happened I screamed in my spirit, woke up violently and as soon as I shot up from my bed, I heard the Lord speak in the heavens with a roar.... HE said; "the stinch of sin and wickedness has come up before my nostrils, I WILL RECOMPENSE".... And immediately I saw in a vision great desolation in New York and Los Angeles and San Francisco... Super great earthquakes hit these places... I understood that the financial amount was too great to repair these places and that America could not afford to fix them... I saw all plant life start dying... This resulted in a great famines all accross America!!! I even saw something that just horrified me --- cannibalism in America, CANNIBALISM in the USA.....!!! This I saw was happening because there was severe food shortages everywhere, no plant life anywhere even the water had become taminated! When this happened people started eating each other, setting traps to catch living people for food - cannibalism in USA!!! I cried when I saw this!!!

Jesus also informed me that soon and very soon the circular turning of the earth's axle is going to change (a significant shifting) and this will cause great weather changes in the world and man, very many will die.... It will be warm where it used to be cold and cold where it used to be warm!!! The shift change was so significant all electricity went out!!! The four seasons that we have all known and grown to count on WILL CEASE!!!

He told me that the Bishop Eddie Long situation is only the beginning of exposure to the degregations behind the closed doors of the pulpits accross America... He told me is going to further expose (and pull the cover off) the Heathen Minister who has forgotten that Jesus chose them and called them out from among them!!! He directed me in the Spirit to study Revelations 3:14 (the church of Laodicea)... THIS IS tHe seVenTh cHurch Age.... The church (the Body of Christ) is now living in that "final stage" of the Church age... The age of Apostacy!!! I then heard the Lord Jesus roar through the heavens and say; "Buy of me Gold that is tried with fire"!!! (I found this in Revelations 3:17-21). He told me to pray for the latter remnant HE is raising up that will not fall to the teachings of Baal (the prosperity and emotionalism PMA messages popular today ). He told me TIME is less strong - HE's coming back sooner than we all think! HE said we must repent of our sins, and we, the sincere Preachers (blood washed ministers) must cry out loud and spare not!!!

Jesus then showed me a lake that was INSIDE of the earth.... It was a flame of fire just like a lake and many many saints that once knew the LORD were rolling in it with out control while burning without mercy; I actually heard the cries.... This I can not bear to even talk about due to the horror , the great horror of it all, the sounds of a human beings burning with screaming that was so agonizing with no hope to ever stop, they were in utter agony.....

Please saints...

I want encourage you to pray for your families and love ones to come to the Lord Jesus... Pray, be sure to pray... I don't want anyone to have to go to hell.... God is very active now in the earth and the heavenly realm.... There are great battles in the heavely realm that are taking place even while we are sleeping... Don't be a foolish virgin! Jesus is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle... Don't be deceived...

Jesus told me the next TWO years are going to be life change for the USA and the world!!! GET READY. It's going to be a glorious time for the Body of Christ these next 2 - 3 years due to the uncertainty of mankind... Revival , revival and spiritual awaking to the Kingdom of God like we've never seen before....

This was a prophecy HE gave me for the year of 2010...

As the beginning fo the year Jan 1, 2010, the Lord spoke to me to tell the people of the church I pastor that this year will be without any reservation the year of DIVINE ORDER...

TEN:The number “10” is a perfect number….

It signifies the perfection of Divine Order, it also represents Completeness of Order, marking the entire round or entirety of anything.

The ever-present signification of the number Ten is that it implies that “nothing is wanting”; and that the number and order are perfect.

It also represents that the whole cycle is complete!

The number “10” also represents Balance, the force of straight or truth, correction of wrong!

The door to the blessings of God’s number “10” upon ones life is Atonement (the blessing of the Resurrection of Jesus) and Repentance (being mindful to regret sinning)! This brings you in alignment for wonderful divine order of God upon ones life.

The Ten Commandments contain all that is necessary to have fulfillment and favor from God and man. No more is necessary....

Rosh Hashanah; A Jewish holiday commonly referred to as the “Jewish New Year”. It is Ten Days of Repentance (which are days set aside to focus on repentance), it concludes with the holiday Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) the most solemn of the Jewish holidays. Its central themes are Atonement and Repentance.

The Tithe Represents the whole of what is due from Man to God…


The Lord's Prayer It is completed in Ten clauses… It is the perfect prayer to Jehovah God almighty.

Antichrist’s World Power The Bible teaches us it is comprised of Ten Kingdoms, symbolized by the ten toes on the feet of the image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Dan. 2:41 KJV), and by the ten horns of the fourth beast of Daniel’s vision (Dan. 7:7, 20, 24, etc.; Rev. 12:3; 13:1; 27:3, 7, 12 KJV

This was a prophecy HE recently gave me for October 10 - 2010 (10.10.'10)

Three 10's representing month, day, and year....

This represents three dimensions of spiritual dynamics that will be taking place tomorrow and will commence at 12 midnight all over the world in three spiritual realms:

War in the heavenlies (the month - because of the pagan Halloween) (demons and angels battling... Angels are withstanding demonic forces). You will feel and experience an inner knowing and desire to call upon God during worship tomorrow, the bourdon of the Lord rest upon HIS people and they will cry out...

War in Ministry of the Body of Christ.... (the day) The blood of Jesus will be smeared upon the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher tomorrow ALL DAY LONG...... Services tomorrow will be high in energy because of the previous things I just told you...... But the primary things will be Salvation, salvation , salvation halleluljah!!! This is truly a day that the Lord has made, folk gonna get saved and delivered, backsliders are coming back to Jesus....

War in the earth (the year).... Satan wants the church and has increased speed in activity against worship in the church through deception laced with PMA messages, this is NOT the Gosple of Jesus. But, because of this, order is going to come in the atmosphere of the churches through song, worship and if the Preachers across America have the faith to step out under the annointing, there will be signs and wonders during the services even prophecy....

Please pray, we must pray.....


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